Is everything I say confidential?
As a member of the British association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), I abide by their code of ethics. If you would like to see these please let me know and I will provide you with a copy. This means that there are certain constraints on my being able to keep what you share confidential. For example, in accordance with these guidelines, all my practice is supervised; I will therefore share some of the content of your sessions with my supervisor. Only your initial name will be mentioned and no telephone numbers or addresses are shared. I also keep notes of all my work and may write reports. However, all my records are kept securely locked away or encrypted. Under certain other circumstances it may be necessary for me to breach confidentiality by talking to someone.
This may happen if:
You give me your consent for this confidence to be broken.
I am compelled to break that confidence by a court of law, child protection or the terrorism act.
The information you give me is of such gravity that confidentiality cannot be maintained e.g. where there is a possibility of harm to others or in cases of crime. In such circumstances I would always try and talk to you first.
A referring agency, requiring a report. However, we would devise this together.