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Qualifications and Training
Qualifications & Experience: Text
MA Psychotherapy and Counselling (merit), University of Leeds
Diploma in the Practice of Supervision, Leeds Centre for Psychological Development
Certificate in Counselling Skills and Theory (merit), University of Leeds
BA (Hons) Education and English (2:1), Nottingham Trent University
Training (ongoing)
Gestalt Therapy - One year training under the guidance of Christine Kennett
Attachment and Trauma: The Resilience of the Mind and Body Congress organised by ISC International and Psychotherapy Excellence
Working with Developmental Trauma using the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) by Dr Laurence Heller
Trauma and Transactional Analysis facilitated by Michael Gavin
Understanding Intimate Violence from an Attachment and Trauma Perspective by Paul Renn (NSCIENCE)
Working with Dissociative Disorders in Clinical Practice by Carolyn Spring
Embodiment and The Talking Cure with Susie Orbach (Nscience UK)
TA101 Introduction to Transactional Analysis
Integrating Mindfulness Into Professional Practice, facilitated by G. Breakwell and C. Theaker
Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance, FutureLearn
Mindful Therapeutic Care for Children facilitated by Dr. Joanna North
The Individuality of Sexuality
Working with Complex and Difficult Cases: A Psychoanalytic-Attachment Approach, facilitated by Jeremy Holmes
Eating Disorder Awareness: Towards a Greater Understanding by Kel O'Neill
Working with Core Beliefs of ‘Never Good Enough’, NICAMB
Introduction to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Workshop by CAMHS training
Understanding Autistic Spectrum Conditions by CAMHS training
Safeguarding Children and Young People
Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Alternative Ways of Working with clients by Mary Smith & Alicia Ridout
Differences and Similarities Between CBT and the Person Centred Approach – Elaine Davies & Mike Trier
Literature and Mental Health: Reading for Wellbeing, FutureLearn
The Future of Counselling and Psychotherapy in 2028 - How Digital Mental Health Care Might Impact and Disrupt Face to Face Care - Philippa Weit
GlobalTransformation - Making A Difference: How To Realise Your Political Hopes And Ambitions - From Idealism To Realism – Andrew Samuels
Qualifications & Experience: About Me

"There is nothing permanent except change"
"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star"
Friedrich Nietzsche
Qualifications & Experience: Services
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